Episode #244 - Using an Alternate Questioner for Witness Preparation

Bill Kanasky, Jr., Ph.D. talks about witness preparation and the benefits of using an alternate questioner during mock questioning. Bill shares details on how the CSI witness training program works by building a foundation based on psychology. The first phase of the training is educational and focuses on cognition, behavior, and emotion and how the brain operates in its natural state and how we need it to work during testimony. Once the psychological foundation is built, then strategy can take place, which is the second phase of the training. Bill talks about the benefits of recruiting another attorney to roleplay plaintiff's counsel during the mock questioning portion of the witness training. Bill also shares ideas about how to leverage exposure theory and operant conditioning to help guide the witness during their mock questioning and how this is easier to do if you have an alternate questioner. Lastly, Bill suggests that including younger associates or early career attorneys in the witness preparation process is good practice for them, discusses how you know if your witness is ready for their testimony, and how to handle schedule changes with depositions.